A lot of people ask me about sponsorships and how to obtain them or why they are being turned down. Take for instance any professional athlete in other sports, when you see the best of the best players endorsed by the most expensive product, it’s because they themselves are worth a higher value and are able to create a return of investment for their sponsors.
So when you go out in search of sponsorships, make sure you're willing to take a few knocks on the chin. Not every company will sponsor you and nor should they. You need to plan your sponsorships strategically and not just go for any and all that you can get. What company will support you, what company will help you win, what company is on the rise and supports the players?
Ensure you are worth everything you are saying you are worth. If you do not have a good following whether it is social media, farm team organizations, or own a field/store, then you are not worth as much as you probably think you are. Even professional teams that win every event are not as highly sponsored as a team with a massive following and a strong commitment to their sponsors.
You must be able to help your sponsored company move their products. So be sure to include what type of following you have and not just how good you and your team are.
This is a list of important factors that sponsors look for.
- How many players are on your team and do they have a good reputation
- Do you own a field or store that can stock and sell sponsorship items
- Are you an established team with a track record of completing entire seasons without missing events
- Do your players and teams have social media profiles with a strong presence
- Do you have a farm team or a strong influence over your local market
- Are you looking for a quick one time deal or an actual partnership
This is a list of things you should do to help get sponsored and stay sponsored.
- Provide a clear plan for your sponsorship request including team information, player names with emails, the division you are playing, years of team existence, if you have farm teams and your social media information.
- Be willing to start with a small introductory percentage discount and work with your sponsor to establish a plan on how to increase that percentage whether it includes how much gear your team buys in a year, or how much gear you are able to push to the public.
- Leave positive reviews of your sponsored products, push the product on social media, share your sponsor’s posts, express gratitude for their help.
- Make sure to say hi if your sponsor is at an event you are attending, it is nice to put a face to a name.
- Ask for ways to help out the sponsor, they will like that and want to work with you even more.
Bunkerkings is always there to help the players so please keep us in mind when looking for sponsorships.
**The more money you can save, the more you can play!
Click HERE for the Bunkerkings Sponsorship Form
1 comment
I’m the captain of team black dragons my team is having trouble with getting paintball makers and paintballs at events also we have been losing a lot of our players because of not enough money to go Fields Or we have no one show up and quit on us when a game day comes